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"I will give you rest"

This is a beautiful and compelling passage, even the more so when you understand the connections and their implications. In his first invitation, Jesus makes three extraordinary kosher associations, which is found in His bible called the Tenach.
Category: New Testament Theology

. How Many Jews Followed Jesus

David Bivin, editor of, discusses the Greek word for “tens of thousands” found in Acts 21:20 and explains why most English versions have decided to render the Greek word as “thousands,” without even a footnote noting that the Greek says “tens of thousands.” Christian exegetes and translators cannot imagine that there were tens of thousands of Jewish followers of Jesus in the city of Jerusalem in the mid-first century A.D.
Category: New Testament Theology

A greater than Jonah is here

What is the relationship between the preaching of Jonah and putting a lamp on a lamp stand? The prophet Jonah in classical Jewish thought calls to mind repentance. In Rabbinic literature we read that many prophets were sent to Jerusalem and the people did not listen, but to Nineveh one prophet was sent, and the people repented.
Category: Rabbinic Theology

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great (The pride of Greece) part 1 Alexander the Great never missed a chance to verify his pride for his Greek ancestry. His parents had Greek origins. Alexander considered himself as a Greek. He spoke Greek. He grew up and was educated from famous Greek teachers like Aristotle and had as his favourite book Iliad of Homer. He worshipped the same gods like the rest of Greeks.ESPRCBS claims no copyright to this material of the History Channel thus its use only for educational purpose
Category: Christianity and Byzantium

Alexander the Great

He undertook and accomplice to a military campaign based on the long-term hostility between Greeks and Persians, as leader of the Greeks. Both he and his army spread the ancient Greek language and culture to the fringes of India and therefore Alexander has justifiably been used for centuries as a symbol of Greek civilization.Elijah School of the Prophet Research Center of Biblical Studies claim no copyright for this material. It belongs to the History and is here only for educational purposes,
Category: Christianity and Byzantium

Angels of the Pre-Adamic Race

A pre-Adamite race is thought of as existing on the original earth (Gen. 1:1), under the governorship of Satan in his unfallen state, as “the anointed cherub that covereth” (Ezek. 28:14). This pristine sphere is....
Category: Biblical Studies

Apostle Paul

Enjoy this amazing article portraying Apostle Paul's life and ministry.
Category: New Testament Theology

Arbel Caves

Herod Takes Back His Kingdom Herod emerged from his Roman trip with a crown and began the battle to take back his dominion. He routed Antigonus out of Masada, where he had sought refuge. Herod then reached Sepphoris in a snow storm. From there he then sent out a troop of cavalry and three companies of foot soldiers against some of his political opponents hiding in the caves near Arbel.
Category: Bible Archaeology

Archaeological Periods

Travel back in time and view the Archaeological Periods in Israel and their historical events starting with the Paleolithic Period before 20,000 (Old Stone Age), Neolithic (New Stone Age)Iron Age, Babylonian Period, Persian Period, Hellenistic Period through the present time.
Category: Bible Archaeology

At the Feet of Rabbi Jesus

While traveling, the first-century rabbi could not easily set up a shop due to the shortness of his stay in any given location. Nor would it have been fair when visiting smaller communities to take work away from a local resident in the same profession. Also, work could not readily be found for the large number of disciples who often accompanied a rabbi.
Category: Rabbinic Theology

Banias Location of Hades Gate

Banias (or Paneas; Paneas was first settled in the Hellenistic period following Alexander the Great's conquest of the east. The Ptolemaic kings, in the 3rd century BC, built a cult centre there..
Category: Bible Archaeology

Banned from the Bible

The Story of Adam & Eve. For many of the faithful, the idea smacks of heresy. But the Bible we know is just one of many versions that surely circulated in the early days of Christianity. Even fully-fledged books were left out of the "final draft." Elijah School of the Prophet Research Center of Biblical Studies claim no copyright for this material. It belongs to the History Channeland is here only for educational purposes, and thus falls under fair use guidelines.

Caiaphas Tomb

The process of Jewish burial in the Second Temple period took place in two stages. First, the dead person was buried on a ledge or in a loculus of a rock-hewn tomb. Then after about one year, when the body had decomposed, family members of the deceased...
Category: Bible Archaeology

Daniel vs Bel and the Dragon

Enjoy this amazing video of Daniel vs Bel and the Dragon.This is the Septuigent version of Daniel which has been excluded from the Bible. Elijah School of the Prophet Research Center of Biblical Studies claim no copyright for this material. It belongs to the History Channel and is here only for educational purposes, and thus falls under fair use guidelines.

Dead Sea Scroll & N.T

Some of the greatest excitement and intense controversy attending the Scrolls has been their relationship to the NT. Some scholars have made claims of direct contact between the DSS and the NT, causing a stir both in academic circles and in public opinion. We have summarized the more significant of those views.
Category: Dead Sea Scrolls

Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran

The story of the finding of the first scrolls in the vicinity of the Dead Sea is one of the romances of archaeology, which the public likes to devour but which occur, alas, only very rarely if at all in the life of the working archaeologist. A Bedouin shepherd boy, Muhammad edh-Dhib the Wolf, was tending his goats in the vicinity of an old ruin known as Khirbet Qumram in the wilderness south-west of Jericho, not far from the Dead Sea shore.
Category: Dead Sea Scrolls

Doble Portion of Elijah

2 Kings 2:1-10…When the Lord was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were on their way from Gigal. When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit, Elisha replied. Was Elisha expressing a desire for a ministry twice as great as Elijah’s? What is the double portion?
Category: Biblical Studies


Dr. Reese Powell and colleagues from the Jerusalem University College front row kneeling in front of the Dome of the Rock. The Dome of the Rock (:Arabic مسجد قبة الصخرة‎, Transliteration: Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah, Hebrew כיפת הסלע‎, translit: Kipat Hasela) is a shrine located on the Temple Mountin the Old City of Jerusalem. The sacred rock over which the Dome of the Rock is built was considered holy before the arrival of Islam....
Category: Bible Archaeology

Dr. Powell at the Gate of Hade

In Jesus' time a temple stood in front of this cave. In the cave or the grotto was a very deep pool that they never could measure (according to Josephus) and a powerful stream of water flowed. The cave was believed to be the gates to Hades. Several other shrines and temples stood here including this one to Caesar. The niches in the wall held images of the gods Pan, Echo and Hermes...
Category: Bible Archaeology

Egyptian Dream Book

The ancient Egyptians believed that what they dreamed had a bearing on their daily lives, and that the interpretation of dreams was a valid means of predicting the future. A collection of texts has survived from ancient Egypt, which are known today as ‘Dream Books’. They consist of lists...
Category: Bible Prophecies

Egyptian Dream Scrying

Ancient Egyptians believed in the power of dreams to bring messages from their many gods. Their methods of dream scrying go back over 5000 years and were recorded in their ancient texts and on hieroglyphic writings. Some of their techniques ...
Category: Bible Prophecies

Geography at the Levant

The geography at the Levant can be divided into four north-south zones (from west to east). First we have the coastal plain which is widest in the south and then becomes gradually narrower until at Mt Carmel it disappears completely... Article by Dr. Reese Powell
Category: Bible Archaeology

Give Bountifully, be Blessed

The words of Jesus are like precious coins, conveyed to us via the gospels. In their original form however they were minted in a foreign currency, as it were ÃοΏ½Â¢?? in a first-century Semitic setting and language far removed from our time. Translators are like money changers...
Category: New Testament Theology

Give Unto Caeser

One of the charges brought by the high priest, Caiaphas, and his retinue, against Jesus was that he had encouraged the people not to pay taxes to Rome (Lk. 23:2). It seems that the episode which lay behind this false charge was an exchange between the chief priests and Jesus a few days earlier in the Temple precincts (Lk. 20:20-26; Mk. 12:13-17; Mt. 22:15-22). See coin image in Essay portfolio.
Category: Biblical Studies

Gospel and Rabbinic Parables

Rabbinic methods of interpreting Parables. Halakhah (“the way”) is the term used for the legal rulings of the law both oral and written, that emerged out of postbiblical Judaism. They were viewed by the rabbis as far more important than the haggadah, or narrative, traditions. For instance the parable and halakah used in Matthew 16:19….”I give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven
Category: Rabbinic Theology

Great Church Fathers

I this article you will learn of the early church fathers during the christian Byzantium periods of 340-430 AD. Such as Jerome the Scholar Translating the New Testament became a labor of love. Jerome was a master of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. He became the head of a monastery in Bethlehem and completed work on the New Testament there about 388 AD. Augustine took a leading part in defending the traditional faith against such teachings as Arianism and Pelagianism.
Category: Christianity and Byzantium

Hebrew Glossary

Enjoy discovering the meaning to Hebrew words for A-Z, using this glossary tool will be helpful during the reading of most articles displayed.
Category: Biblical Studies


Modern theologians define hermeneutics as both “the science and the art of Biblical interpretation. “It is (1) a science because it is concerned with principles within an ordered system. It is meant to derive and classify the principles necessary for the proper interpretation of Scripture. It is also (2) an art because it is concerned with applying the principles derived
Category: Biblical Studies

Intro. Jerusalem University

Dr. Reese Powell studied at Jerusalem University College, Israel and invites all interested parties. Introducing the programs and mission of Jerusalem University College.
Category: Bible Archaeology

Intro. To Synoptic Gospels

As in the Old Testament narratives, the synoptic Gospels used laconic expressions of time and place in story openings. For example one reads about Elijah, �And he arose and went to Zarephath� (1 Kings 17:10), and likewise about Jesus that �he arose�and went to a desert place� (Mark 1:35). The prodigal son �arose and went� to his father (Luke 15:20), and Mary �arose�and went�to a city of Judah� (Luke 1:39).
Category: New Testament Theology

Introduction to the Midrash

“As we approach the End of the Age, many things is being restored to the Church, among them an understanding of our Hebrew roots and, in particular, an awareness of midrash. Some Christians feel very uncomfortable with the sudden appearance of the word Midrash in the contemporary Christian vocabulary; it sounds like another extrabiblical concept being added onto our traditional Christian heritage.
Category: Rabbinic Theology

Jacob's Ladder of Prayer

Genesis 28-:12� He (Jacob) had a dream, and behold, a ladder was set on the earth with its top reaching to heaven; and behold the angels of God were ascending and descending on it; Stairway is used instead of ladder, according to the (NIV) Archaeological Study Bible, the stairway was probably not a ladder with rungs but was more likely similar to the steps mounting the sloping side of a �ziggurat�.
Category: Biblical Studies

Jewish Hermeneutics

In ancient Jewish hermeneutics the dominant methods of interpretation were the literal and allegorical. In the last few centuries modern Judaism has emphasized rationalistic methods of interpretation.
Category: Biblical Studies

John Baptism with Fire

Luke 12:49-50 â??I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled? John the Baptist prophesied that The Coming One would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire (Matthew 3:11). As we learn from the Book of Acts, Jesus did baptize his disciples with the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. At that same time did he also baptize them with fire?
Category: New Testament Theology

Joseph the Dreamer

Beginning with Genesis 37, dreams play an important role in the narrative. Scripture records the content and meaning of the dreams of Joseph, the two officers of Pharaoh in jail, and Pharaoh. Throughout the Bible, dreams are a vehicle by which God communicates with humans, and thus were taken seriously. This belief was held throughout the Ancient Near East....
Category: Bible Prophecies

Josephus Scriptural Canon

Some scholars argue that Josephus Scriptual Canon well-known text, which was written in defense of Judaism, demonstrates that all Jews in the first century A.D. accepted a three-part, twenty-two-book biblical canon. On the surface, the passage is one of the strongest arguments in favor of a closed biblical canon in the first century...
Category: Bible Archaeology

Languages in the time of Jesus

Although scholars have divergent views regarding the influence of Hellenism on religious works, literature and everyday life in first-century Israel, it is generally accepted that the Greek language was used by many of the inhabitants. I later learned after taking Biblical Hebrew that most part of the sentences in the story of Mark told had word order like that we find in Hebrew and often the expressions were not like Greek at all but like Hebrew.
Category: New Testament Theology

Languages of the Old Testament

The ancient Near East encompassed a large number of different languages, the most significant of which were the Ancient Greek Text of the Gospel of Mathew: Egypt, 4th century A.D. View the 4th century ancient Greek Text of Matthew.
Category: Old Testament Theology

Learn Egyptian Hieroglyphs

The aim of this video is to enable you to read and enjoy the hieroglyphs and the language of ancient Egypt. It is chiefly aimed at those who have had no previous experience of reading hieroglyphs, but should also benefit others who would like to improve their knowledge in line with con-tempoary research.
Category: Department of Language Videos

Masada's Last Stand

The archaeologists at Masada were not the first to reveal what happen during the Zealots last days. Joseph ben Matthias, a leading Jewish general in 67 AD, took the name Flavius Josephus, went to Rome and wrote a classic history, The Jewish War. Josephus account of Masadas final battle with the Romans is...
Category: Bible Archaeology

Morning and Evening Prayers

During the the times of Jesus,private devotions of a Jew began when he awakened from his sleep in the morning. Each act of rising, dressing, washing—any act involved in getting ready for the normal activities of the day—had its benediction. Learn how to have a life of prayer, as did the Messiah.
Category: Biblical Studies

Moses struck the rock at Petra

This article is about Dr. Reese Powell's research and journey through the Wadi Araba, the large valley running from the Dead Sea, Gulf of Aqaba enroute to Petra. According to Arab tradition, Petra is the spot where Moses struck a rock with his staff and water came forth, and where Moses' brother, Aaron, is buried, at Mount Hor, known today as Jabal Haroun or Mount Aaron. The Wadi Musa or "Wadi of Moses" is the Arab name for the narrow valley...
Category: Bible Archaeology

New Testament Canon

Most of us take for granted that the New Testament always had twenty-seven books. We may be vaguely aware that Paul mentions a letter he wrote to the church in Laodicea (Col. 4:16) and that there might have been a third letter to the church in Corinth, but beyond that we assume there were no other writings.
Category: Biblical Studies

Old Hebrew and Phoenician

The Phonecians were a Canaanite people who lived north of the land of Israel centered around the Biblical cities of Sidon and Tyre, in modern day Lebanon, between the 16th and 3rd Century BC. These three peoples, the Phoenicians, Samaritans and Hebrews, are Shemites, descendents of Noah's son Shem. They all share the same alphabet. ESPRCBS claim no copyright for this material. It belongs to National Geographic channel and used for educational purposes only.
Category: Department of Language Videos

Old Hebrew Discoveries

The first major discovery connecting the Phoenician alphabet and language with Hebrew occurred on January 19th, 1855, when Turkish laborers accidently uncovered an ancient sarcophagus in Sidon, a Phoenician city.Elijah School of the Prophet Research Center of Biblical Studies claim no copyright for this material. It belongs to the National Geographic by Youtube and is here only for educational purposes, and thus falls under fair use guidelines.
Category: Department of Language Videos

Old Hebrew to Greek and Aramai

The Tel-Dan Stele, discovered in northern Israel in 1993, is an Aramaic inscription using the same old Hebrew script. This inscription includes the phrase beyt david meaning "house of David." Elijah School of the Prophet Research Center of Biblical Studies claim no copyright for this material. It belongs to the National Geographic Channel and is here only for educational purposes, and thus falls under fair use guidelines.
Category: Department of Language Videos

Our Father in Jewish Aramaic

The book 'The Original Our Father in Aramaic - A New Discovery' will be published in a few months time. It tells the story of the reconstruction of the prayer in Jewish Aramaic, and gives a completely Jewish understanding of the prayer by placing it into its historical Jewish context. ESPRCBS claim no copyright for this material. It belongs to the wayofadonai bY Youtube and is here only for educational purposes, and thus falls under fair use guidelines.
Category: Biblical Studies


Torah, for the Pharisaic Jew, was God’s revelation, and, as such, had to have a message for the present. To deduce the message for the present from the wording of the ancient text involved the process of midrash. That term “denotes both the occupation, the expounding and searching of Scripture...
Category: Rabbinic Theology

Pilate's Inscription

"Pilate had an inscription written and put on the cross. It read, 'Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.' Many of the Jews read this inscription, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew, in Latin, and in Greek."
Category: Biblical Studies

Prayer in Bible & Temple Days

Bible and Temple days embrace a staggering stretch of history, an era which extends from the formative days of Jewish history when the Hebrew tribes left Egypt (about 200 B.C.E.) to the time when Judaism achieved its maturity in the first century of the Common Era...
Category: Biblical Studies